Friday, July 20, 2007

I am currently updating my 2nd story called Priceless Work of Art. Shoot.... I feel so bad. i promised them a long update but nothing is really coming into my mind right now. NOTHINGG!! I am so pissed at myself. Even my AIM chicas can't un-block my mind. DAMNN! Poat more tom. TeeCee!!

(User) posted @ 9:21 AM

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Oh god. Today was like so much fun even if there were some boring parts in the day. We were so loud when we were eating in Pancake house it was such a relief that nobody complained bout us making too much noise.. OMG. lol Me && Kristina went to Dairy Queen to eat a blizzard and boy was it DELICIOUS!! She got a banana strawberry thingy and I got the OREO thing. Mine was good but hers was secretly better.. Haha. The movie was soooo boring. Nobody talked and it gets corny if you watched it for the second time na. So yeah... Right now, I'm in my cousin's house. Lying on the floor and using their laptop. Im like so not sanay with the keyboard kaya sorry if ever may typo. Ok I'm ranting now. This is so totally... SUCK-ISH... I'm waiting for Jaqui to post them pics of us. PLEASE HURRY NAMAN DUDE!!! I wanna go home. To my normal keyboard.... :'(

(User) posted @ 6:07 AM

Friday, July 13, 2007

OMG! It's been like a month since my last post and I'm so freakin sorry y'all.. I've been busy with updates and stuff like that. You kno imma be reading fan fics and stuff.. Well I wanted to go back into blogging with a bang. So I changed the layout,the music and the name and stuff.. The linkies are still the same. Nobody got erased and nobody was added.. ((unfortunately)) So yeah. Nothing much has happened in school for the month. We had our Algebra L.T. today. I won't say it was ewasy but it wasn't hard either. I'm just nervous cuz some items have like 4 points and thry had fractions! I know... Yucky! Haha. I'm not that good with fractions you see... That's why i so totally think I'm gonna fail that stupid L.T. As of now... I am typing my update in MS Word. Hopefully it's gonna turn out good cuz I want it to be super long and I want COMMENTS! damn is that so much to ask for? just a simple I think she shoulda blah blah would be nice.... At least I got readers you know... Haha. :P I got some catching up to do in A Love Jones and other fan fictions. damn. y'all gonna update when my internet got broken huh? it's gonna be like that now?? I see where this is going. Fine. I'mma make a super long update but it's gonna be in TAGALOG... hahaha. how you like me now? *pops imaginary collar* :P

(User) posted @ 5:26 AM

The User
My name is Bella.
I am a witch not a wizard
Like others, I go to school.
My school is xxx school.
I often sit under a tree to daydream.
Or open my book to pretend to read while daydreaming.
My zodiac is capricorn.
I am as timid as a mouse?

I love this.
I love that.
I love everything.

I hate this.
I hate that.
I hate nothing.

I want a new face.
I want a funky nose.
I want to be a joker.
I want a handphone.
I want a computer.



dance to the rhythm
the past is in the past
June 2007
July 2007

Thank you.<3
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